Cut your streaming budget by up to 80%, while increasing capabilities!

Would you like your online video to have these advanced features… all at a small fraction of your current costs?, one of the industry’s oldest streaming organizations, offers a complete suite of leading-edge streaming solutions that lift the concepts of open government and accountability to a whole new level.

EarthChannel Features

Click here to view a live sample.

(Viewing the video requires Microsoft’s Silverlight browser plug-in. Most systems already have it installed. If you don’t, you will be prompted to do so. It only requires a moment.)

Basic GTV Configuration – From $2995/yr (based on population)

  • Live Internet video channel: webcast live 24/7 or any time you want
  • Live SimulCast audio-only channel: ideal for bandwidth-limited in-house use
  • On-demand storage for 600 hours of your archived video
  • Cross-platform computer compatibility: PC, Apple & Linux systems can view your live and on-demand videos with a simple Microsoft Internet browser plug-in that most viewers already have
  • Enhanced indexing: allows viewers to search for and jump-to specific segments within a video presentation
  • Attachments: attach images, documents and Internet links to any video or agenda item
  • Summary minutes: add minute summaries to any agenda item
  • Detailed reporting: online viewership reports
  • Internet-based administration: easy-to-use online user interface accessible from anywhere on the Internet providing access to all tools; uploading, linking, indexing
  • Online video & personal training: complete training requires less than one hour
  • Quick implementation: we’ll have you up and running in as little as 24-hrs
  • Unlimited viewers: whether you have 50 or 50,000 viewers, EarthChannel flawlessly delivers your streams
  • Use existing equipment: in most cases, your existing streaming equipment can be used


Put Our Expertise To Work For You

EarthChannel has been facilitating cost-effective global communication through streaming media since 1995. We welcome the opportunity to help you find the perfect streaming solution. Contact us, or give us a call today at 770-979-9905 and discover how easy it is to put your video on the Internet.