TinyClip Media Clip Tool

favorite video clip

An EarthChannel exclusive, TinyClip puts the power of indexing into the hands of your viewers. Now any viewer can select the exact portion or segment to share via e-mail and/or post on their blog or web site. It’s fast and easy to do.

Why Is It Important?

TinyClip provides viewers, as well as media outlets, the capability to create their own “video-bytes”. With TinyClip, your viewers have ultimate open-government tool at their fingertips.

Additionally, you and your staff can make use of TinyClip, too! You can virtually eliminate the effort of finding, editing and copying video involved in a FOIA or media requests. Simply create your own TinyClip, e-mail the link and you’re done!

How It Works

From a specific program, the viewer launches the TinyClip tool and selects the start and end of the clip that they would like to make. Next, they simply copy the direct link or embed code to place a Silverlight Player on their web site.

For a more detailed illustration, please watch the following video:


Included in all OnDemand packages!


Once you’ve created a TinyClip you can either use a direct link or embed code to place it directly onto your web site. See for yourself using the sample below.

Embedded Player